Foiled Plans

Best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry,  said Robert Burns.
And my plans for the Lavender Love Link-up did just that.
Rather than dwelling on my foiled plans, I'll just say it wasn't to be at present and plan to try again sometime soon.  Perhaps next week ... I'll wait until I have the post up to announce it though- March has indeed 'come in like a lion', and I feel a bit like a leaf blown about by those fierce winds.  Yet, I know that 'All shall  be well,  and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.'
And in the meantime, I turn to my beloved herbs- lavender and geranium essential oils are my trusted friends when life is blowing me about in a turbulent wind.  A cup of chamomile tea is a great help, as well.
Things will calm down. I will refill my cup with a good, dose of sweet solitude.  And if technology will work with rather than against me once again, I'll be back online regularly and we'll have a great time reading each other's post about sweet Lavender!

photo source-Wikipedia


Lavender and Lemon Love

Lavender and lemon are a fabulous pair.
There is something amazing that happens when you mix these two together.
Either in aromatherapy, 'cookie therapy' (hey, cookies always make me feel better!), or in a simple herbal tea- lavender and lemon are a winning combination.

lavender lemonade

Since Spring is in the air in my world, and things have been just a little over the top in the busyness factor- today's post is short and sweet.  But, I do want to share a link to a recipe that is on my Kitchen Adventure list and sure to be my go to recipe next time some Lemon Lavender 'Cookie Therapy' is needed.  These Gluten Free Lemon Lavender Cookies sound perfect for an afternoon tea time treat.

I didn't forget about the Lavender Love Link Up  I promised in my last post ... way back in the early part of February (time flies these days!).  Life just overwhelmed me with more needful things for a while.
But, let's plan this little online lavender festival of posts for next week shall we?  You write a post sharing your favorite lavender recipe, craft, growing tips ... whatever as long as lavender is the topic, and I'll put up a Lavender Love post with a linky at the bottom so we can easily find each other's posts.  Please tell your herb loving blog friends about the Lavender Love Link-up, too.  I always enjoy reading other people's posts about herbs.  Herbie people are as varied and interesting as the plants we all grow and love!

Mark your calendar and be sure to join the Lavender Love Link Up on March 8th.
And to sweeten things up even more, I will be sending a little lavender scented treat to one of our participants.  More details on that next week! 
