Herbal Helpers for Summer

Lavender LemonadeI'm posting at The Renegade Farmer today.  Stop by to read about my Herbal Treats to Help Beat the Summer Heat. While you're there, don't miss Five Herbs for Safe Summer Skin, a great post by Briscoe White of The Grower's Exchange. I'll be posting more recipes and tips for the...

Summertime Herbal Teas and Treats

  With a forecast of 108 (yes, really), I'll be focusing on keeping everyone cool and hydrated today.It is time for icy cold herbal treats, I do believe.This Lavender Lemon Quencher sounds refreshing.  Lavender Lemonade is a favorite in our family, too.  I think I'll brew up a batch and then freeze it in ice pop molds for an afternoon snack.  My iced herb tea of choice is simply to go out early in...

Summer Days

Happy July!  Sorry things have been so quiet in the stillroom lately, but summer beckons me outdoors to enjoy the beauty of the garden and nature.  Herbs are growing by leaps and bounds, flowers are in bloom, and the bees, birds, and other small creatures are keeping me entertained with their daily visits to the garden and bird...