Let's make a baby.. Yayy..!! Do you love this sound? Yes I do. LOL. It's simple: find out when you are most likely to ovulate, relax, use the missionary position and take natural fertility supplements.

Learn How To Listen To Your Own Body & Fertility Signs
Your body gives you a lot of information about your fertility. Understanding your natural body signals, that anticipate when you ovulate, is key in how to get pregnant fast.
Three days before ovulation you are at the highest fertility. Timing lovemaking during this time will increase your chances of getting pregnant.
The secret to get pregnant is to have sex just before ovulation provided that you have lots of fertile cervical mucus that keeps the sperm alive as the egg is released by the ovary.
1. Know When You Are About To Ovulate
Conceiving a child may take a little bit of time if you are not sure about your ovulation time. Sometimes women are just missing their ovulation day because they do not know when they "really" ovulate. It all comes down to knowing how your body works. If you are not absolutely sure when you ovulate, you need to learn how to chart your cycle.
By charting your cycle, you will learn the chances in your cervical mucus, the changes of your basal body temperature (BBT), and the changes in your cervical position as ovulation approaches. These are the primary fertility signs.
You can also experience secondary fertility signs like increased libido, breast sensitivity, ovulation pain, and spotting during ovulation. Rarely you can even experience headache and nausea just before the egg is released.
2. Have Sex Often To Conceive
You can make love every day of the month in order to get pregnant, but experts say that it's best to make love every two days during your fertile period. This increases the amount of sperm released during intercourse, especially if there is a low sperm count problem with the male partner.
The most important aspect in how to get pregnant is to avoid old eggs and old sperm. Make sure you ovulate between day 12-16 of your cycle and that your luteal phase is at least 10-12 days long.
Your chances of conceiving increase by having sex in the missionary position with the woman's pelvis tilted upward toward the cervix by using a pillow.
This position allows faster entry of the sperm through the cervix and into the uterus. It also helps if the woman has an orgasm at the same time as her partner.
During an orgasm, the cervix pulsates drown more sperm inside the reproductive tract. After sex, you should remain lying on her back for an additional 15-20 minutes.
If you want to use natural gender selection you should know that sex timing is different when conceiving a boy than when conceiving a girl. To conceive a boy have sex close to ovulation and you the missionary position. To conceive a girl have sex several days before ovulation. Ashley Spencer will guide you more about baby gender selection.
3. Use A Fertility Monitor
If you have been trying to conceive for over 6 months, consider investing in a fertility monitor. I like the Clearblue fertility monitor because it measure the electrolytes in your saliva that correlates with the hormonal changes that occur in your cycle just prior to ovulation and it is very accurate. The Clearblue fertility monitor is very popular because it's easy to use. This monitor is the only one that can tell you 5-7 days in advance when your are about to conceive.
Clearblue is recommended for all women who are trying to conceive with low ovarian reserve to help increase the chances of conception.
4. Address Vaginal Health
Make sure your vaginal environment is sperm friendly. Avoid any kind to sprays, scented tampons (use only 100% organic cotton tampons). If you have yeast infection, take high amounts of acidophilus and probiotics. Use acidophilus vaginally, follow a yeast free diet and take a natural remedies like Vagi-Soothe to assist your body eliminate yeast. Make Your partner should also take acidophilus supplemnts to prevent cross-infection. Treat naturally any pelvic inflammation or any vaginal infections by consulting with a homeopath or naturopath.
Do not douche and absolutely do not use vaginal lubricant s that are not sperm friendly. The only one I know to be absolutely sperm friendly is Pre-Seed, which was specifically designed for conceiving couples that have poor vaginal mucus and lubrication.
5. Increase Your Fertile Mucus
Follow a healthy diet that increases the production of fertile cervical mucus. Avoid eating too much dairy and wheat products that make the vaginal mucus thick. Drink lots of purified water. If you don't produce enough clear egg while mucus, there is also great vitamin supplement, called FertileCM that can help you increase your vaginal fertile mucus. Keep tract of your cervical mucus. It really comes down to having lots of fertile cervical mucus that is clear, stringy and looks like egg white. You need to have a least 3-5 days of fertile mucus around the time you ovulate. The amount of fertile mucus allows the sperms to live longer and swim faster. Not having fertile mucus when you are going to ovulate can make you infertile.
6. Eat Foods Known to Boost Fertility
Avoid foods that stimulate bloos glucose increasing your insulin levels. Also avoid foods that suppress the thyroid gland. If the thyroid is underfinctioning, you may not ovulate regularly. Many foods inhibit ovulation like soy beverages, tofu, cow milk, cheese and hydrogenated foods. Avoid alcohol, coffee, mono-sodium-glutammate, Aspartame, and all food additives. Eat more foods known to support ovulation and fertility, like Maca and Royal Jelly. If you have poor egg quality your diet is even more important.
7. Lose Weight
Weight loss before pregnancy increases fertility and ensures a healthy pregnancy. If you are overweight and trying to get pregnant, consider spending some time following a weight loss program that really works to help you lose weight and reach a health conception weight. This folding treadmill will help you to lose your weight, best selling product in 2013 on Amazon.com
The ideal BMI for conception is 20 to 25. Being either underweight or overweight can cause problems with ovulation.
8. Avoid Radiation
Avoid x-rays 4 months before conception. Avoid unnecessary electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and lap tops. This is important for both men and women. Always place you laptop on a table and do not carry your cell phone, keep it inside your purse.
9. Detox Your Body
If you are having trouble conceiving you can be suffering from toxins overload. Not many people know that the toxicity in the body, as a result of poor and incorrect life style choices, decreases the quality of sperm and eggs, thus leading to infertility issues, unexplained infertility, and hormonal problems in both men and women. Many couple overcome infertility simply by following a fertility cleanse.
Avoid the following ingredients in your body care products because they can lower your fertility by disrupting your hormones:
Dibutyl Phthalate
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate in your shampoo
Mineral Oil in creams
Petroleum in many personal care products
Sodium Fluoride in your toothpaste
Diethanolamine and triethanolamine
Propylene glycol present in so many products
Parabens in most shampoos, conditioner and creams
Diazolidinyl Urea
Benzoic Acid
Isopropyl Alcohol
Fragrances are not natural and can be toxic
These harmful chemicals may be at the root cause of reasons for infertility.
Look for natural products, as much as possible. Here you can find Natural Cosmetics that are safe and cause no toxicity.
10. Learn Relaxation Techniques
If you are under too much stress you cannot get pregnat. Stress affects both male and female fertility by causing a disruption in the hormonal balance. If you have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility, you need to evaluate your stress levels and do something about it fast..
If you are under stress and trying to conceive, practice fertility yoga and meditation daily. This is my best "how to get pregnant tip." Do everything in your power to enjoy who you are. Remember you are complete as you are, having a baby is a gift of life, just like you are! Please, avoid negative thoughts and negative emotions like guilt or blame. They create chemical stress in your body and hinder your fertility. Resolve emotional conflicts within yourself and forgive your past. Be a loving parent to yourself!
Planning To Conceive? Start Right!
When planning to get pregnant your diet, your ovulation cycle, your life style are all very important. Your ability to get pregnant can be affected by many factors. If you want to know more about how to get pregnant fast & naturally, I recommend to read this Lisa Olson's Pregnant Guidance. Lisa clearly teaches all the Do's and Dont's of how to get pregnant. I really like it because it is easy to follow and provides a real plan to help you get pregnant starting from your diet, your fertility signs and all the important things you need to know before conceiving a baby.
Lisa Olson will teaches all the things and tips you need to know to dramatically increase your chances of conception and have a healthy baby.
Pregnancy Miracle!
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