
Sorry to be MIA for such a long stretch.
Life has been busy- the good kind of busy, but too busy for comfort in many ways.
My family moved a couple of weeks ago, that's a stress in itself; though we are very happy in our new home.
The move was due to a new job for my husband, and that was a huge relief and answer to prayer.
These days I'm unpacking boxes and trying to get life back to a workable routine, all the while thinking about what herbs to plant in my herb boxes out back and the new herbal recipes I plan to make soon.

Our move has also meant no home internet for a while; and I don't know about you, but using a computer other than mine isn't fun (even if it is my husband's).  It's just not the same as sitting down at "my desk" and sipping a cup of herb tea while I type out a post ... things should be up and running properly soon, and I've got lots of ideas for the fall months.

I'll be sharing some favorite herb recipes and a few gift ideas in the coming weeks (just as soon as the internet thing is resolved). 
Until then, I wish you beautiful days filled with the glory of autumn!
