
Even on a wintry Wednesday, I see signs of spring sprouting in my world.  Cilantro and dill self-seeded in my garden and are just the perfect size for snipping and adding to soups,salads, and salsa.

Bronze fennel is beginning to put forth ferny branches.
Lemongrass which was cut back hard at the beginning of winter is showing some greening here and there.

Earlier this week it was warm outdoors, so I cut back the sage which had grown leggy and wild, trimmed the roses, and tried to free the Mediterranean garden from the grass that invaded over the winter.  Still lots more pulling and digging to do there, but I did uncover a hidden lemon thyme, a surprisingly healthy and fragrant marjoram, and a dianthus already in bloom as I yanked out pesky grass and weeds.  Sweet discoveries like that make weeding worthwhile!

Today it is back to winter weather, so I'm planning to enjoy a cup of tea and doing some plotting and planning for my new garden area complete with a small greenhouse and potting area.

What is happening in your world today?



Simple pleasures from the herb garden-
sprigs of lavender, sweet marjoram, and rose scented geranium ... springtime to my soul!

After a bit of a funky, stressful morning, I slipped out the back door with a cup of green tea to collect my thoughts and found myself picking a pinch here and there of the herbs that have braved the winter weather.  After just a few moments of enjoying the scent and sight of these glorious greens, the not-so-great mood lifted and I was snapping photos (rather sad ones I'm afraid due to a worn out camera), sniffing sweet smells, and planning new planting schemes.
Herbs are great therapy!

Weekend Blessings ... I'm planning on a little seed sowing (indoors) myself.
How about you, what is on your agenda for this weekend?
