Have you tried and failed at getting rid of cellulite naturally?
If you're like most people who are thinking about getting in shape for the upcoming summer season then this article should be of great help.
A healthy, shapely body is a body to be proud of, especially after all those long workouts at the gym and strict dieting programs. But, for most people one of the most embarrassing problems is that unsightly fatty tissue commonly referred to as cellulite deposits. This usually shows up as unsightly bumps and dimples which gives the skin a "cottage cheese" appearance.
View a List of Helpful Cellulite Treatments Here
The first step for getting rid of cellulite naturally is through healthier eating habits and regular exercising. Fortunately there are very specific exercises that target problem cellulite areas such as buttocks, thighs or legs. These exercises are not very difficult but do require dedication and consistency for a thinner, better toned body.
The purpose of this article is to assist you in winning the war against cellulite by providing you with the best tips, ideas and suggestions for getting rid of cellulite naturally.
What Causes Unsightly Cellulite Deposits?
Fatty Cellulite Tissue Explained
The main causes of cellulite deposits are unhealthy diets and lack of exercising. Cellulite is actually composed of water, toxins and fatty tissue cells that build up under layers of skin and causes pressure on the connective tissues of muscles. This concentration of body elements causes the skin to take on an orange-peel like texture which unfortunately affects 90% of women in the world today.
Cellulite builds up mostly in the stomach, hips, buttocks, thighs or on the back part of the legs. The reason these areas are more common with cellulite deposits is because these regions form deeper skin pockets which tend to retain more fat, this causes poor blood circulation to affected skin tissues which creates a dimpled, uneven surface.
Even though weight gain or obesity are associated with cellulite some other known factors are, family genetics or hormone imbalances that usually occur during within the life cycle. In women, Estrogen has been shown to cause cellulite formations which is a major reason more women suffer from this condition than men.
Let's take a look below at some of the best cellulite treatments for reducing unsightly cellulite deposits through healthy eating and maintaining a regular exercise program.
The Key To Getting Rid of Cellulite Naturally
Natural Cellulite Treatment
Now that you have a better understanding as to the formation of cellulite the next step is to start treating it. In many cases cellulite can be eliminated or reduced through regular exercising and changes in eating habits. Please take into consideration that this requires dedication and will-power for successful results.
Starting exercises to reduce cellulite requires sweating out excess water and toxins, reducing fat deposits in the targeted areas and toning up body muscles. Do not make the mistake of starting out too strenuously since this will ultimately lead to failure, just as cellulite was built up slowly, it also has to be removed in the same manner. You want to gradually work your way up to a rigorous workout to allow your body time to adjust.
A great way to begin toning your body is by simply walking and gradually increasing the duration following by jogging. The next step will involve the use of specialized exercises such as, squats, alternating leg raises, lunges and mild weights for resistance training. These exercises will be very beneficial to pin point problem areas. More advanced physical activities such as cardio, swimming, jumping rope or dance classes can be included as later regimes.
Healthy eating will follow right along with your cellulite exercises, once you change your eating habits success is right around the corner. Your nutritional diet should include dairy products and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, these are very helpful in removing toxins and providing many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Avoid processed foods which are rich in saturated fats and sodium such as fried foods, potato chips, cookies and especially pork meats.
Healthy Eating Weight Loss Tips
Learn More About Successful Weight Loss Factors
Losing cellulite should not be as hard as most people make it out to be. Remember that desperation can often lead to failure so the more basic principles can offer the most success. There are no high-tech or secret methods for getting rid of cellulite, just simple, easy to follow eating and drinking solutions.
Here are some healthy suggestions to keep in mind:
1) Avoid "white" food. This includes white breads, most cereal products or cracker-type snacks, pastas, potatoes, processed milk or cheese products. Some of the beneficial white foods are fish, chicken or cauliflower.
2) As for drinks, cut off all sodas and other type of drinks that are high in calories or sugars (including artificial sweeteners). Water is highly recommended and your daily intake should be half the weight of your body to ounces of water. This means that if your weight is 200 pounds, you should be consuming 100 ounces of water every day.
3) We have already crossed off all white products and now we also need to get away from wheat products. Yes, you heard me right, I don't care if the package reads "healthy whole wheat" it must go! If it has wheat in the ingredients list, don't eat it.
These simple rules are fairly easy to understand and follow. Sure, they will take some getting used too, but once you make the adjustments in your eating habits they will quickly fall into place. If you consistently follow these rules you will be pleasantly surprised with your results in getting rid of cellulite in a few short weeks.
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Exercises for Getting Rid of Cellulite Naturally
Let's Starting Pounding Out That Cellulite
In order to begin your cellulite treatment you will have to maintain a regular exercise program. Aerobics, Yoga exercises or joining a dance class such as Zumba is a great way to begin with. Gradually build up your level of each workout routine so as not to overwork your body, do not push it to the extreme all at once, this will only result in failure!
As you complete your workouts to tone up your body and build up muscle tissues you will notice that your cellulite is starting to melt away. In reaching your goal the added benefit is that with regular exercise you will also avoid cellulite problems in the future.
Thigh, leg and buttock exercises are extremely effective for cellulite reduction, if you study some of the exercise diagrams below, each one has its purpose for targeting specific areas of the body. Pay special attention to each target area of the body that is shown by the shaded areas.