May Day Herbal Fun!

Sunday is May Day, the halfway marker between spring and summer.  My children are counting down the days until summer, anticipating swimming weather mostly!  May Day is a holiday filled with lore and legend as well as fun. 
I like to celebrate by planting an herb or three on this day, and sometimes make up a few May baskets or small gifts such as this herb jar for friends and family. 


Herb jars are fun, frugal if you have a few herbs growing nearby, and are always received with joy. 

To make one for a friend, or even for yourself-
 find a suitable jar such as a pint size canning jar
 a bit if wire.
Twist the wire into a handle and secure it around the neck of the jar.
Fill the jar with water,
then go out to the garden and snip a few of your favorite herbs and flowers and add them to the jar. 

You can embellish this herbal gift further by tying on a bow or pretty gift tag.  A small packet of seeds or a lavender sachet make a nice addition as well. 

If you choose herbs that root easily in water such as mint, basil or rosemary, add a little tag giving instructions for potting up the herb plants once they have rooted.  This can be a gift that keeps on giving! 

What are your May Day traditions?

Herbal Blessings,

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